Friday, November 12, 2010


I hope you sang that title to the tune of Lion King.

Here is the cycle of my jeans:

Normal Size........
Barely Pregnant Size........
Bigger Pregnant Size.......
Just had the baby and still pretty much look pregnant size..........
Fat post-pregnant size (this size can easily last a year)..........
Struggling to loose baby Lbs size (approx same size as barley pregnant)..........
Normal Size.......
AND..........If I am lucky, Skinny Jean size.....

And then I usually get pregnant and the cycle starts over again

I am happy to report I am officially in "Normal" size jeans....well as normal as a size can be when you have had four kids....Do I even dare to ever even try to "skinny size" again?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you (and insanely jealous too)! You ARE going to get to skinny size, I know it. Just envision those cute, embelished, designer jeans. As TAMN likes to say, "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"!
